Bahan Evo Pet’s Piya Egg Seal Online Indonesia

Evo Pet’s Piya Egg Seal Online Indonesia adalah salah satu jenis mainan interaktif yang menjadi favorit para pemilik hewan peliharaan di Indonesia.

Bahan dari mainan ini terbuat dari bahan berkualitas tinggi yang aman untuk hewan peliharaan dan mudah dibersihkan.

Dengan adanya Evo Pet’s Piya Egg Seal Online Indonesia, diharapkan dapat membantu mempererat hubungan antara pemilik hewan peliharaan dengan hewan kesayangan mereka melalui interaksi dan bermain bersama.

Panduan Bahan Evo Pet’s Piya Egg

panduan bahan evo pet piya egg

Ada lima jenis bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat mainan interaktif ini, yaitu berbagai jenis telur, susu, biji, bulu, batu hatching, dan bahan organik lainnya.

Setiap jenis bahan memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan kualitas dan keamanan mainan ini bagi hewan peliharaan.

Piya Egg – Baby Piya (100%)

Penting juga untuk mengikuti petunjuk penggunaan dan proporsi bahan yang benar agar dapat menciptakan mainan interaktif yang berkualitas tinggi dan aman untuk hewan peliharaan Anda.

  1. Bahan pertama terdiri dari hatching stone, sap, milk, geranium, large geranium, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother’s heart, father’s excuse, dan father’s good old days.
  2. Bahan kedua terdiri dari Egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, madam’s feather, piya’s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap, dan lucky card.
  3. Bahan ketiga terdiri dari sap, geranium, large geranium, egg, madam’s feather, hatching stone, piya’s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, milk, dan oxygen.
  4. Bahan keempat terdiri dari geranium, large geranium, forging rock, madam’s feather, egg, milk, chicken feather, piya’s unfertilized egg, sap, dan soymilk.
  5. Bahan kelima terdiri dari egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, piya’s unfertilized egg, pea, pea shell, sap, dan lucky card.

Baby Piya – Silly Piya (30%)

  1. Bahan pertama : Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg, wheat, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, herb, 1000 year mushroom.

Baby Piya – Smart Piya (30%)

  1. Bahan 1: Crystal of star, blue crystal, wit, mark of sage, mark of mage, bell, cat’s whiskers, flail, wooden staff, lucky card
  2. Bahan 2: Wit, crystal of star, mark of sage, wooden staff, flail, cat’s whiskers, mark of mage, bell, blue crystal, lucky card
  3. Bahan 3: Wooden staff, flail, mark of sage, mark of great sage, crystal of sakiel, mark of mage, glasses, goldfish, high blue potion, 4 leaf clover

Baby Piya – Healty Piya (30%)

  1. Bahan 1: Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, vodka, milk, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, meat, egg.
  2. Bahan 2: Max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, respect, vodka, max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg, meat.
  3. Bahan 3: Max red potion, red potion, high red potion, egg, herb, blue potion, high blue potion, max blue potion, vodka, milk.

Baby Piya – ExtraOrdinary Piya (10%)

  1. Bahan 1: Lucky Card, crystal of star, blue crystal, mark of sage, mark of mage, wit, clock/ bell, cat`s whiskers, flail, wooden staff.

Smart Piya – Magician Piya (20%)

  1. Bahan 1: 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Smart Piya – Chicken (30%)

  1. Bahan 1: Mark of sage, wit, hammer hilt, adel`s blessing, mark of vampire, lucky card, crystal of sakiel, crystal of hesed, crystal of neza, crystal of dean.

Smart Piya – Warrior (10%)

  1. Bahan 1: 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Healthy Piya – Clown piya (30%)

  1. Bahan 1: Mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit, rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4leaf clover, lucky card,???

Healthy Piya – Knight piya (40%)

  1. Bahan 1: Knight`s crest, soul of swordsman, armor pieces, iron plate, iron, titanium, mirthil, ceramic, really hard shell ,gold
  2. Bahan 2: Titanium, mitrhil, really hard shell, hard shell, knight crest, golenium, mans romance, ceramic, iron, piyas unfertilized egg
  3. Bahan 3: Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card.

Healthy Piya – Chicken (20%)

  1. Bahan 1: Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

Healthy Piya – Warrior Piya (10% )

  1. Bahan 1: Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card.

ExtraOrdinary Piya – Clown Piya (20%)

  1. Bahan 1: mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit , rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4 leaf clover, lucky card.

ExtraOrdinary Piya – Magician Piya (20%)

  1. Berikut adalah beberapa bahan yang diperlukan, yaitu tanda kebijaksanaan yang agung, satu set pakaian kulit sihir, satu set pakaian penyihir, serta bubuk sihir.

ExtraOrdinary Piya – Cleric Piya (20%)

  1. Beberapa bahan yang terdiri dari mark of sage, mark of great sage, mark of vinagh, chinese talisman, flail, lucky card, piya’s staff, 4 leaf clover, adel’s blessing, serta cleric piya’s stringge.

ExtraOrdinary Piya – Knight Piya (20%)

  1. Daftar bahan yang diperlukan antara lain Knight’s crest, soul of holy knight, potongan-potongan baju besi, lignit, besi, titanium, keramik, kulit yang sangat keras, emas, dan batu bara anthracite.

ExtraOrdinary Piya – Warrior Piya (17%)

  1. Bahan yang diperlukan terdiri dari Mark of Great Sage, satu set pakaian dari kulit, satu set pakaian untuk penyihir, dan serbuk ajaib.

Extra Ordinary Piya – Hero piya (3%)

  1. Barang-barang yang terdapat dalam daftar adalah tongkat Sage, kartu keberuntungan, satu set pakaian kulit ajaib, dan satu set pakaian penyihir.

Magician Piya – Great Magician Piya (80%)

  1. Bahan: tongkat lobak, tongkat tak terlihat, tongkat hantu, tongkat pengemudi kereta, tongkat nenek, bubuk ajaib, jiwa penyihir hebat, daun semanggi 4, tongkat penyihir piya, tongkat reina.

Magician Piya – Super Piya (17%)

  1. Bahan 1: staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover, mage piya’s staff, reina’s staff.

Magician Piya – Queen Of All Chicken (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, mark of great sage, 4 leaf clover, mage piya’s staff, reina’s staff

Cleric piya – super piya (17%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost.

Cleric Piya – High Cleric Piya (80%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost.

Cleric piya – Queen Of All Chicken (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost.

Knight Piya – Master Swordsman Piya (80%)

  1. Bahan 1: Flamberge, bastard sword,piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, ghost sword, skeleton sword, invisible sword, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, lucky card.
  2. Bahan 2: flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword.
  3. Bahan 3: FLamberge, bastard swod, fierry sword, falchion, skeleton dark sword, invisible sword, ghost sword, mama bear`s knife, 4 leaf clover.

Knight Piya – Super Piya (17%)

  1. Bahan 1: flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword.
  2. Bahan 2: piya`s sword, fierry sword, flamberge, evil eye sword, gladius, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, 4 leaf clover.

Knight Piya – King Off All Chicken (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: flamberge, royal blade, warior piyas sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bears knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword.

Warrior Piya – Super Piya (80%)

  1. Bahan 1: piya` sword, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, cleric piya hat, warrior piya`s glove, soul of swordsman , soul of holy knight, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover.
  2. Bahan 2: Soul of holy knight, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, mage piya`s staff, 4leaf clover.

Warrior Piya – King Off All Chicken (7%)

  1. Bahan 1: soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piyas sword, piyas swrod, piyas staff, cleric piyas syringge, 4 leaf clover.

Warrior Piya – Fly Chicken King (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piyas sword, piyas sword, piyas staff, cleric piyas syringge, 4 leaf clover.

Warrior Piya – Queen Of All Chicken (7%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piyas sword, piyas sword, piyas staff, cleric piyas syringge, 4 leaf clover.

Warrior Piya – Fly Chicken Queen (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piyas sword, piyas sword, piyas staff, cleric piyas syringge, 4 leaf clover.

Chicken Piya – Cranky Rooster (70%)

  1. Bahan 1: Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golems heart, ice-colds heart, jasons heart, motherly devotion, mothers heart, fathers excuse, mans romance.

Chicken Piya – Warrior Piya (20%)

  1. Bahan 1: Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golems heart, ice-colds heart, jasons heart, motherly devotion, mothers heart, fathers excuse, mans romance.

Chicken Piya – King Of All Chicken (5%)

  1. Bahan 1: Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golems heart, ice-colds heart, jasons heart, motherly devotion, mothers heart, fathers excuse, mans romance.

Chicken Piya – Queen Of All Chicken (5%)

  1. Bahan 1: Staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon drivers staff, grandmas staff, mage piyas staff, renas staff, cool guys stick , radens staff, 4 leaf clover.

Hero Piya – General Piya (57%)

  1. Bahan 1: Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover.

Hero Piya – Super Piya (40%)

  1. Bahan 1: Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover.

Hero Piya – Fly chicken king (3%)

  1. Bahan 1: Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat , korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover.
